Monday, June 1, 2015


The Bible is true and divinely inspired!  When a prophecy is fulfilled, Christians should make a big racket about it!  This Book of all books can be trusted, just as the Author is absolutely trustworthy!  I was thinking about the history of modern Israel and the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy and just had to write a poem about it.  Here it is:

A land flowing with milk and honey
Was born in a day, but the day wasn’t sunny.
The Jews would regain their ancient land.
Truman said, “Sign it!”  ‘Twas an ordained plan.
For Jews and for Arabs the land was divided –
The Jews rejoiced, but the Arabs derided
The U.N. body that gave them a nation.
They couldn’t get along with their blood relations!
The Arabs said “No!” ‘Cause they wanted it all,
And they would fight; they delighted to brawl.
Then before the Jews could lose all hope,
Ben Gurion called an assembly to vote.
He declared the State of Israel official.
The Jews celebrated, but the Arabs bristled!
Ready to attack the very next day,
They had gathered seven armies to join in the fray!
The Jews had only a rag-tag band,
But determined like Maccabees, they would make a stand!
It was six-hundred thousand versus eighty million strong!
Who was in the right, and who was in the wrong?
And how did it end when the dust had settled?
Israel won the war and had proven her mettle!
God had shown He was on their side –
Angels were busy, knocking down Arab pride.
Miracles abounded, and the whole world was shocked!
Scripture was fulfilled, and mysteries were unlocked.
Revelation twelve paints the story of this war:
The woman was Israel whom the dragon stood before,
Ready to devour the nation soon as born,
Fragile as an infant, but it would not be torn.
God would keep His covenant with all of Jacob’s tribes.
His chosen people Israel in victory still abides!
Isaiah sixty-six, verse eight foretold this very day,
Nineteen forty-eight the year, the fourteenth day of May!
Truman was the first to call and praise this tiny nation,
The Holy Land and people God had chosen, His creation!

June 1, 2015

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