Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I just heard the news of the United Methodist Church Pension Fund divesting from five banks in Israel.  They said they were removing companies from its portfolio which "profit from abuse of human rights."  Obviously, they are misinformed and have swallowed the anti-Semitic lie circulating the globe that Israel is the bad guy.  They should be careful about touching "the apple of God's eye."

This year of 2016, which is the Hebrew year 5776, holds a lot of excitement in end-time events.  A few days ago, I sensed the Lord nudging me to state its importance in a poem:

This year is the year of Jubilee!
This year is the year for setting men free!
Threats of danger are all around;
Deep darkness and sin so greatly abound.
“Restore us, O God, cause Your face to shine.
We shall be saved”[1] and know we are Thine!
“Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God will shine forth”[2] and do His duty.
He will fulfill His covenants of old
To descendants of Abraham, good news must be told.
The Jews are still the apple of His eye,
And they will live, they will not die.
All will be saved in just one hour –
He whom they pierced will show His great power,
Fulfilling His word through Zechariah the prophet –
He’ll fight for Jerusalem, and the devil can’t stop it!
On the Mount of Olives His foot will touch down,
The earth will split open with a shattering sound!
The elect will escape through the valley formed,
Protected from war by His mighty right arm.

Jubilee began in September last year,
Announcing the time our Lord might appear.
The fourth blood moon was the way He forecast
“The time of Jacob’s trouble,”[3] even worse than in the past.
The Shemitah was over, and the shofar did blow,
Proclaiming the Jews’ return, but didn’t you know?
Back to their land and back to their God.
Am I ready to help them, my feet with peace shod?
With the shield of faith and a sword in my hand –
The word of God – can I help them understand?
Anti-Semitism increasing, driving Jews from the nations,
Their destiny awaits them in the midst of desolations.
Our Messiah will return – He’s ours and theirs, too,
And we must stand beside them to see their battle through.
The Lord will surely save us, His wrath we will not bear –
Remember that the Church and Israel are not a separate pair!
Our Jewish Lord has grafted us into a Jewish tree.
He’s teaching us our Jewish roots – to end times, it’s the key.
So what God joins together, let not theories put asunder.
Those who hate the Jewish people will find that they’ve gone under!
Jesus said all men will hate you the way they hated Me,
Don’t think you’ll not see trouble before He sets you free.
When escape becomes impossible, just lift up your eyes.
It’s the day of His redemption – so watch the eastern skies!

(Based on Luke 4:18-19; Lev. 25:8-10; Zech. 12:10; 14:3-5; Rom. 11:24-26; John 15:18; Luke 21:25-28)
By Nancy Petrey ~ January 3, 2016

[1] Psalm 80:3
[2] Psalm 50:2
[3] Jer. 30:7

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